Cross Training
Cross Training is defined as a blend of various functional workout patterns which help in developing a specific component of fitness. It is a concept that is derived from military and athletic training, which helps in improving the overall performance.
It involves a compound of various exercise using TRX, Tyre n Hammers, Medicine Balls, Kettlebells, Bodyweight, Weight training, ZUU etc. which works on various parts of the body at a time, often one particular activity works on certain muscle groups but not others. Cross training keeps in eliminating this imbalance. In cross training, one uses his body as a machine which involves stepping outside your comfort zone and performing a variety of exercises from different disciplines which help to gain muscle strength, losing excess fat, improving the stamina, power, core strength and flexibility, increasing capacity and quicken your feet, all in a single workout. Cross training would be effective for all the age groups under favorable workout patterns. This comprehensive style of fitness training is known as Conditioning Workout Plan (CWP). Hence, cross training helps in overall conditioning of the body, ideal for maximising the amount of work done in shortest time.
Cross training is a safe method to add variety to an exercise pattern, which plays a positive role in promoting long-term exercise adherence by reducing the incidence of injury and eliminating or diminishing the potential for boredom.