TRX Workout

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TRX Workout

The TRX (short for total-body resistance exercise) turns every exercise into a challenge for the core by using two very accessible resources: gravity and our own bodyweight. All you have to do is anchor the TRX straps to a secure spot and use either your feet or hands—depending on the exercise—to hold onto the straps.

In general, a part of your body will be suspended above the ground or you’ll be leaning into or away from the straps to create resistance and destabilization. Knocking our balance out of whack gives us no other option but to adjust, which means engaging the midsection and back and firing up the shoulders and hips to maintain control throughout the movement. Even better? Since the straps roll up into practically nothing, it’s a take-anywhere, do-anywhere kind of workout—provided you have somewhere stable to serve as your base.


1. TRX Pushup

Stand facing away from the TRX with feet shoulder-width apart. Hold handles at chest height in front of you, arms extended and palms facing the floor. With body aligned from head to heels, shift weight to balls of feet and bend elbows. Push up to return to starting position.

2. Inverted Row

Lie faceup under the TRX with knees bent and feet on floor. Hold the handles over your chest, arms extended and palms facing each other.
Bend elbows, pulling torso up until your body is aligned from shoulders to knees. Extend arms to starting position.

3. Triceps Extension

Stand facing away from the TRX with feet hip-width apart. Lean forward and grasp handles in front of your face, elbows bent 90 degrees and palms facing away from you. Extend your arms, then bend elbows to return to starting position.

4. High Curl

Stand facing away from the TRX with feet hip-width apart. Lean forward and grasp handles in front of your face, elbows bent 90 degrees and palms facing away from you. Extend your arms, then bend elbows to return to starting position.

5. Lunge

Stand facing away from the TRX with left foot on both foot cradles and hands on hips. (Legs should be extended.) Bend knees until right thigh is parallel to the floor; rise up to starting position. Switch legs to complete set.

6. Knee Drive

Stand facing the TRX and hold handles high in front of you, palms facing each other. Bend left knee 90 degrees, shifting weight to right leg. Bend right knee.
Rise up onto ball of right foot as you lift left knee to hip height in front of you and bend elbows, pulling handles toward chest. Return to starting position. Switch sides to complete set.

7. Hamstring Pull-In

Lie faceup with your heels in the TRX's foot cradles, legs extended and arms straight out to sides in a "T," palms on floor. Lift hips so body is aligned from shoulders to heels.
Bend knees, pulling handles toward you. Extend legs to starting position.