Medicine Ball Workout
Medicine balls, that is available in varying sizes and weights, these weighted spheres can help improve muscular power and sports performance. All you need is a lightweight medicine ball to get a great workout that pushes your heart rate, hits on every muscle, and boosts your athleticism from all angles. Here's your routine, along with a complete guide to each movement. Each implement in the gym could be used a number of ways, but each one serves certain goals better than others. Looking to improve your max strength? You'll probably have to grab a heavy barbell. All-in for muscle gains? Dumbbells and cables are right up your alley. And in the case of medicine balls, explosive power and conditioning are the name of the game.
When throwing a medicine ball, unlike when lifting weights, you don't have to slow down at the end of the range of motion; you can just let the ball fly. Therefore, simply throwing the ball in different directions trains your body to generate explosive power in those directions, without putting on any brakes. Of course, you can't talk about power without mentioning the Olympic lifts. Yes, they're great for training explosive power, but whereas Olympic weightlifting can be difficult to learn and trains only in the vertical or diagonal power pillar, the explosive medicine-ball throwing exercises utilized in this workout are easy to learn and require you to move fast and explosively in multiple ways. You also don't need a platform, specialized shoes, or expensive bumper plates. All you need here is a ball and either a wall or some open space, such as a field or a parking lot.